
B2B Instagram marketing strategies: How to get more clients on Instagram

  • Andre Kay
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B2B Instagram marketing strategies: Many B2B marketers utilize Instagram to engage with their target audiences effectively.

They utilize hashtags, contests, and influencer marketing to increase brand awareness and boost sales. Social media marketing is a great way to contact more customers and expand your business.  

Instagram is one of the largest social media platforms, with over 1.4 billion monthly active users. B2B companies can easily acquire customers using Instagram with the right B2B social media strategy.

It’s a B2B social media platform that can be used by both small and medium-sized businesses to acquire new clients and connect with influencers and large enterprises to showcase their products or company.

According to “Instagram Business,” over two million businesses connect with people on Instagram to grow their business; This shows that businesses use Instagram to discover, connect, and inspire their daily activities.

This guide will lead you through the steps of using Instagram for B2B marketing to acquire customers and grow your sales without any complications.

What are the best ways B2Bs can use Instagram to get more clients?

The best methods to do B2B Instagram marketing are using Instagram ads, direct marketing, and private group access of qualified business owners.

Instagram is a busy place, and only the loud ones get attention. But in this case, you’re doing B2B marketing, so you won’t need to yell and scream to get everyone’s attention. 

B2B Instagram marketing is more than just promoting your product; it’s about developing a relationship with key decision-makers in the organization and communicating how your business can help them grow.

Using entertainment to advertise B2B products on Instagram to CEOs or founders will only present your business as unprofessional and barely convert prospects to customers.

Instead, sharing with them how your solution can make their lives and business easier will make them want to get your solution at any cost.

B2B companies can use Instagram to get more leads for their business by marketing themselves and creating a social media presence that shows people the value of their product.

Let’s explore how you can use Instagram to grow your customer base, leveraging B2B Instagram lead generation.

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How Can B2B Companies Get More Clients on Instagram? 

Here is the list of things B2Bs companies can do to get clients on Instagram.

Using content resources to attract business clients on IG

The content resource approach is a popular business strategy a business can use to attract other businesses on Instagram and acquire more customers.

It is a marketing strategy that has two main objectives:

  • 1) To create a content hub that inspires and educates your audience in order to turn them into customers.
  • 2) To establish your business as an authority in your field so you can attract more clients by providing solutions with your content resources.

This strategy is about creating valuable content regularly and engaging with other posts related to your business. 

Content hubs organize content into series and chapters, making it easy to navigate and great for users.

For Instagram B2B marketing, videos would work best for Instagram Ads and organic content creation. Use video to show business owners how your product works in a series of videos to attract prospects on Instagram.

Recommended: Best tips for Facebook B2B lead generation.

Advertising for B2Bs

Advertising is a way for businesses to increase their customer base. With an ever-increasing social media population, advertisers are shifting their marketing efforts to the famous and relevant unsaturated social media platforms.

Instagram advertising is one of the most effective and affordable methods for acquiring new B2B clients. So, leveraging Instagram to advertise to your target audience will help you increase your brand awareness and open room for potential B2B business collaboration.

We’ve lots of case studies of lead and sales generation for B2Bs. Are you interested in growing your business on Instagram and attracting other businesses?

Advertising agencies play a significant role in marketing your products on Instagram to get more attention from potential and existing customers.

Get in touch with us for an Instagram B2B ad campaign.

Create a branded business Instagram account

Set up a company’s IG account with your company name, logo, and branded content. Your business customers will be able to recognize your company identity with the help of social media branding.

Branding is one of the essential aspects of any business. It helps to build a connection between the business and its customers.

Your brand must have a consistent tone of voice across all social channels, not just Instagram. 

This will help them to stay relevant in the future.

People love to interact with companies that take the time to optimize and brand their company’s presence on Instagram.

If you want to bring in more qualified business customers, branding your company on the platform is a great way to do it.

We offer branded content creation as a service. Contact us to see how we can help attract clients on Instagram,

Share Instagram reels

Sharing reels is another way to reach a broader audience on Instagram because the algorithm favors reels more than any other type of content on Instagram.

As a business owner who wants to reach more people on Instagram and Facebook, reels are the way to go. When you share reels on Instagram, more eyes will likely see them on Facebook. You’re using one stone to kill two birds with this strategy.

What sets a reel apart is its ability to entertain and educate audiences simultaneously. It’s also a great idea to mention what your company offers in relation to what you discuss in the reels video.

While images and videos are suitable for Instagram B2B marketing for customer acquisition, your prospects will trust you if they get content that informs and entertains them.

Give them a behind-the-scenes look at your company, share new product information, or educate them on a topic they’re interested in.

Recommended: B2B Facebook lead generation tips you will never forget.

Use B2B hashtags on Instagram

Hashtags are a great way to get your posts seen by more people interested in the same content. 

If you’re not sure which hashtags to use, think about what business owners are more interested in and what your business is about. Some examples of business hashtags: #business, #b2bcreators, #B2B, #B2Bservice, #Business2Business #smallbusiness, #onlinebusiness.

Hashtags are a powerful tool on social media to connect with your audience. They allow you to reach an audience that might not otherwise be available quickly, and they also help increase the visibility of your business posts.

Why is social media good for B2Bs? There are many reasons. Please, check out the “importance of social media for b2b marketing”

B2B Instagram partnership and collaboration

The key to generating qualified business leads on Instagram is to partner with CEOs, founders, managers, and Influencers in your niche. This will help your company get more clients on Instagram by partnering with other businesses and employees.

If your B2B company is looking for help generating sales on Instagram, it would be wise to reach out to other companies in the industry and connect with them on Instagram.

Network and partner with the thought leaders and influencers in your niche to acquire more clients on Instagram.

If you want to acquire business owners on Instagram, you must find and collaborate with the right influencers in your niche.

We offer influencer marketing services to companies in the US. Reach out to us to find the best influencers for your business.

B2B IG calendar

B2B marketers should take some time to create a content calendar. As a B2B marketer, you need enough quality content to publish on Instagram, which will ensure that your customers can find your content on Instagram.

If the customers don’t know the business exists, they won’t be able to buy anything, and the company will barely make sales.

A content calendar can help B2B marketers on Instagram manage their time. A content calendar for Instagram includes different posts, such as videos, photos, story posts, times to post each day, etc.

Some posts are even scheduled in advance so they can be uploaded when it’s most relevant to the audience.

While content is king, you should always go into the process with a social media content strategy. Rather than just posting anything and everything, plan out your posts and use Instagram’s scheduling option so you can do it all on your computer or phone.

Post testimonials and reviews from happy customers

According to Statista, about 90% of people read online reviews before purchasing online, and 79% of people trust online reviews about a product, service, or company.

Instagram is not just a social media platform for teenagers and celebrities. It is also an outstanding marketing tool for businesses to promote their products and services.

Using Instagram as a customer acquisition channel for your B2B business is best when you’re leveraging reviews and testimonials from your past customers to convince prospects into wanting to try your product/service.

Positive reviews from top brands in your industry will make new clients see you as an authority in your business and feel confident to buy from you.

There is no one way to get a client. Try all methods and repeat what works for your brand.

There are many ways to find clients on Instagram. For example, you could do advertising and see which ads work for your brand. It would be best to experiment with all methods until you find one that works for your brand.

Can Instagram be used for B2B?

Yes, Instagram can be used as a B2B social media platform. Below are some facts you should know about Instagram that will benefit your B2B brand presence online.

● Over 1.4 billion people are actively using Instagram every month.

● Over two million businesses use Instagram – Instagram Business.

● Over 500 million people use Instagram stories daily – Statista.

● Over 200 million users on Instagram visit business profiles daily – Source

Does Instagram work for B2B marketing?

Yes, Instagram is a friendly tool for B2B marketing; there are several ways that entrepreneurs and business owners can use Instagram for B2B marketing.

How do I market my B2B on Instagram?

If you are a B2B company, you may want to consider using an Instagram advertising agency for B2B marketing.

Ad agencies can help you generate B2B leads and acquire customers on Instagram through Instagram B2B marketing. Contact us for Instagram B2B lead and sales generation.

You will also want to post photos of your products, your team, and other people that are relevant to your industry. This will help build trust with potential customers and increase your brand awareness in the specialty niche.

How does Instagram use B2B?

B2Bs use Instagram mainly to advertise and promote their services. They also use it to educate and inform potential customers about what their company offers. The primary goal of Instagram’s B2B strategy is to advertise, promote, inform, and network.

What should I post on Instagram for B2B? 

You should be posting B2B content on your Instagram account like company news, new products, and company events. We recommend a mix of high-quality product images, office events, testimonials, and company updates.

Summary: Instagram B2B marketing strategies for client acquisition.

B2B Instagram marketing strategies are critical to the success of any business targeting another business. 

Instagram has many features that allow you to promote your business organically and inorganically.

Working with a social media company can help you generate qualified leads and sales without giving up your free time.

Sociallybuzz is an award-winning social media agency in Florida. Contact us for B2B Instagram lead/sales generation and other social media marketing help.

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