
14 Easiest Ways to Promote Your Small Business

  • Andre Kay
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Ways to Promote Your Small Business

The goal of every business is to grow and make profits. Any small business that would attract customers and close sales must leverage promotion and advertising. 

Many successful businesses depend on promotion to thrive and achieve success. 

Your entry point into the market is your product. While you may have great products and services, if you don’t spread the word about your business, your products won’t sell. 

Sadly, most small business owners neglect the enterprise of business promotion. They think it will cost money and take a lot of time. Even though running some ads can be expensive, there are available options that will fit your budget and give you good returns. 

The ways that business owners can advertise their businesses and garner attention have changed significantly during the past ten years. Online and social media usage are changing the narrative of business promotion. 

If you are trying to figure out how to promote your business, you’re in the right place. In this article, you’ll learn the most effective ways to advertise and promote your small business online and locally. 

Before we proceed, let me briefly tell you about our company.

About Sociallybuzz:

Sociallybuzz is a leading social media marketing, management, and digital advertising agency for small and medium-sized businesses. With over 12 years of experience, we know how to create and execute marketing campaigns that will help you grow your business. Our social media agency specializes in using the power of social media to create highly targeted campaigns designed to get you more customers and sales.

How to Advertise Your Small Business Online


Build a website 

A website is a necessity for advertising your business. It acts as a promotional tool that reflects your brand’s personality and distinctive attributes, provides your business contact information, and tells the unique story of your business and what it offers. 

Potential customers are likely to visit your website even when they’ve seen you on Google listings and social media. A good business website adds to the credibility of your business and showcases your product offerings in detail. 

Having a website is vital for assessing and enhancing the effectiveness of your other promotional strategies. Every ad you run online and every content you share on your social media platforms should connect to your website. Doing this will give your website access to your marketing channels, allowing you to use analytics to determine which strategies are most effective and learn important details about your audience.

Integrate search engine optimization 

Search engine optimization (SEO) raises the visibility of your website in Google search results. The likelihood that customers will find your website when they search online for businesses like yours is increased when relevant keywords are included across your business’s web pages and blog posts.

More than including relevant keywords in your web pages and blog posts, SEO involves a combination of strategies that helps your business comply with Google’s ranking algorithm. These strategies include using relevant industry- and location-specific keywords in strategic positions on your website, creating regular and original content of the finest quality with tagged images, and maintaining both security and quick page loads.

You’re not just advertising to anyone when your business ranks high in search results but to those who are specifically looking for what you have to offer.

Create interesting content

Creating engaging content is the secret to building brand recognition and connecting with your target market. Since content is such a significant factor in SEO, as mentioned earlier, it deserves special attention as one of the key marketing strategies. 

You can create content through a blog, video tutorials, or infographics. While you can choose to create content about your business milestones and events, a successful business blog produces interesting and educational content in your brand voice around queries and terms your ideal customers are searching for on Google. For instance, you can share posts with instructions, how-tos, and strategy guides; a written Q&A or interview with a subject matter expert; thought-provoking articles; templates; guest posts; case studies, client reviews; and periodic postings.

Engaging content can demonstrate your subject matter expertise and win over your audience’s trust.

Pay for Google ads

When it comes to search engines, Google is by far the most widely used. Google ads’ popularity has grown exponentially over the past ten years accounting for the lion’s share of search engine traffic. In 2019, Google recorded more than 160 billion searches each month. The search engine has a high level of flexibility, ad-building features, and comprehensive performance metrics.

Google ads appear at the top of search engine results pages above organic and local listings. There are two ways to advertise on Google: Pay-per-click ads, also known as the Search Network’s text ads, and Display Network’s ads, also known as branded banner ads.

Pay-per-click ad is a low-cost marketing strategy that draws in potential customers. You only pay when consumers click on your ads. 

Run social media campaigns

Another option to promote your small business online is via social media. It is one of the most innovative, widely used, and lucrative types of digital advertising available today, with a user base of over 3.6 BILLION. The most widely used social media platforms for businesses are Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. However, you should seek and only use platforms that are relevant to your industry. 

Even though people may pass social media ads without pausing, the idea of seeing ads in their social media feeds has grown commonplace, which encourages familiarity. When done rightly, paid social media ads can effectively market your business to a particular audience that will convert to customers.

Start with Facebook. It is the biggest social network on the internet. It can be an excellent tool for brand awareness and business promotion. With Facebook, you can connect with current consumers and attract new ones. Depending on your sector, there are various ways to advertise your business on Facebook.

Facebook advertising lets you target based on user profile data such as marital status, occupation, interests, and more, allowing you to access highly targeted audiences.

Join and participate in online communities 

One of the best ways to promote your business online is to join and participate in online communities and groups on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook that are relevant to your business or industry. 

You gain recognition in your industry by providing individuals with helpful tips and recommendations when they have issues or queries, as well as leaving comments on relevant sites and even expressing interest in writing guest posts. Keep in mind that while you are answering a single person’s question, a thousand silent others are watching you and taking note of your name and actions. 

Participating in conversations helps you build connections with other members of the community. Doing this increases not only your network but the credibility of your business. 

Partner with influencers in your industry 

Influencers are people within your niche that are very popular, highly respected, and deeply trusted by your target audience. They have a sizable social media or blog following, so having your business recognized or highlighted by one of them can expose it to a wide range of prospective customers.

Influencer marketing requires careful consideration. Before contacting an influencer, spend some time getting to know their accounts on all social media platforms; comment on, like, and share their material; and make sure you have an explicit request and something of comparable worth to offer in return. 

For instance, you could offer them a free product or service in return for a blog review and social media mentions. Alternatively, you could produce a valuable guest article for their blog that will benefit their readers and include a link to your website.

Recommended: Why social media for small businesses

Best Ways to Advertise Your Small Business Locally


Use the print media 

Another common option for locally advertising your small business is through print media. You can run paid promotions in local newspapers and magazines. 

Different advertising options are available in the local newspaper. You can post an advertisement or obtain a listing in the appropriate section. Print ads are a fantastic localized marketing strategy if you know exactly who your local newspaper is reaching.

Suppose you’re thinking of advertising your company through print ads. In that case, you can determine the effectiveness of your ads by utilizing technology to track the success of your print advertising by using call tracking numbers or unique codes for your promos or coupons. 

Try broadcast media 

Broadcast media like television and radio are traditional forms of advertising that reach a wider audience. 

The rise of streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime and the exponential expansion of digital marketing may give the impression that traditional forms of media like television and radio aren’t worthwhile for advertising. Television and radio are still widely used by consumers who this marketing strategy can influence. 

Radio has a weekly reach of about 82.5% among adults, making it one of the most effective media in the USA. Many businesses are prompted to invest in radio advertising because of the constant presence of the medium, which is always heard in both cars and public spaces. In general, television reach is higher among adults. In a 2018 survey, 33% of adults between the ages of 55 and 64 and 37% of those 65 or older said watching television is their preferred media activity.

Depending on your industry, you can draw in a market that is interested in your product or service. Television or radio advertising may seem pricey, but the reach can be profitable.

Get a press release 

Local blogs, journals, and internet publications constantly seek new content. Create a press release to distribute to your local news outlets whenever your company does something exciting or noteworthy.

Ask if you can contribute an article to your local press outlets, whether a thought leadership piece or a resource list. If your brand story is captivating enough, you can get someone else to write a featured article about your business.

These publications deliberately seek out compelling stories, frequently using press releases as the basis for their articles. When they do, your company benefits from free publicity and distribution, expanding your market reach. They can also aid in search engine optimization by supplying links back to your website. 

Attend local networking events 

If you run a local business, attending local networking events is a low-cost marketing strategy that can help your company attract new customers. You can network by attending in-person and online events where your target audience is likely to be present.

Even though some businesses can benefit from this more than others, for instance, if you offer services directly to other small businesses or consumers, local networking will be significantly more fruitful for your business than selling your products online. 

Attending local networking events is a fantastic opportunity to become more visible in your locality. While personally advertising your company, find a way to network, even if it’s merely to exchange ideas and find inspiration with other business owners. 

Host a local event or workshop 

Hosting a local event or workshop is a brilliant way to grow your customer base and advertise your business.

You may offer to teach a session at a local school, library, or other institution, run a class at your location or arrange a fun seasonal or family event. You may consider holding online or live workshops and presentations, especially if your business deals with specialized knowledge or technical information.

Hosting events and workshops will allow you to network with others in your field, educate potential customers, and gather attendees’ contact information.

You can record the event or workshop and post the video to your website and YouTube, making the most of the time you spent developing and instructing the course. Doing this will establish you as an authority in your subject and increase your exposure. 

Form partnerships

Another profitable strategy to advertise your business in your local network is to form partnerships with other businesses that are not your competitors. 

Join forces with businesses that cater to the same market but offer different products and services. Once the connection has been made, make plans to suggest customers to each other, share mailings, and cross-promote each other’s products and services through exchanging leads and social media interactions.

Make use of direct mail 

Direct mail is a great way to promote your local business. It helps small businesses build brand recognition over time. 

Despite the prevalence of digital media nowadays, sending postcards, flyers, letters, or other types of mail can still be a very efficient strategy to advertise your business to local customers. 

One disadvantage of this promotional strategy is that it may be challenging to track results directly. You’ll need a lot of campaigns, that is, printing and mailing many letters to generate results. If done correctly, advertising your business through the mail can bring in new customers using a fairly repeatable procedure. 

Read More:

  1. Most powerful ways to advertise your business
  2. Types of advertising for small businesses
  3. Why a small business owner should advertise
  4. Advertising tips for small businesses
  5. Advertising Guide for Small Businesses

Wrapping Up

This article has covered various strategies for promoting your small business. Remember that you need to monitor your rates of return if you are paying for advertising. It’s essential to increase brand awareness, but if advertising doesn’t bring in profit for the business, it might not be worth it.

Running a successful business requires patience and constantly experimenting with new strategies. The goal is to get your target audience more acquainted with your brand with your marketing efforts.

The strategies in this article will pay off if you put them into practice, especially if you keep your plan under regular evaluation and revision.

About Sociallybuzz:

Sociallybuzz is a leading social media marketing, management, and digital advertising agency for small and medium-sized businesses. With over 12 years of experience, we know how to create and execute marketing campaigns that will help you grow your business. Our social media agency specializes in using the power of social media to create highly targeted campaigns designed to get you more customers and sales.